No Bees this year, you remember me saying that. Well, I joined a bee that wasn't a bee and then I joined a real bee, that I don't think I have blogged about yet.
First the bee that isn't a bee. Molli Sparkles, he who is the quilting queen bee, set up a Facebook group for a bee, that's a bee where you make just for yourself. No pressure, no deadlines, just a interactive Facebook page to participate. There are millions of people taking part, interesting to see how many fall by the wayside! Here I am so far:
I am nearly keeping up. I can play keepy uppy. I made my February blocks towards the end of March. I am a little hesitant in blogging them, they are not great. But then its no pressure isn't it? My cognitive powers seem to have a little awry at the moment. I sew a seam, rip it out, sew it wrong again. I decided not to follow the instructions, just do my version.
I'm pleased with my simplified bottle of buttons. The buttons are cotton and steel fabric and the lid a little of my rose and hubble spotty fabric. I have no idea what size the block is to be, but mine is 8".
Next we have the kissy kissy block. Unless you are a horseman galloping really fast you will have noticed the mismatched point right in the centre of the block. Yes, that totally missed point. I should really rip it out and fix it, but for now I am leaving it. It can be the goodbye kiss from the maiden whiskery old great aunt that children always hate. When we were children, we had an elderly maiden whiskery neighbour who always wanted to give you a little kiss hello and goodbye. Yuck. She gave you a thruppenny bit too, that was ok!
Lastly the echo block. Shouldn't even have taken a photo of it, but then this is about me, warts whiskers and all. This block is disastrous. I don't mind the unstraight lines, echos and soundwaves aren't straight anyway. The greys are too short though. Trying to keep to the 8" block size, I ran out of inches! I will either take it apart to and fix or just start again. Or use that block for a corner one which hangs down the far side!
Helen x
First the bee that isn't a bee. Molli Sparkles, he who is the quilting queen bee, set up a Facebook group for a bee, that's a bee where you make just for yourself. No pressure, no deadlines, just a interactive Facebook page to participate. There are millions of people taking part, interesting to see how many fall by the wayside! Here I am so far:
I am nearly keeping up. I can play keepy uppy. I made my February blocks towards the end of March. I am a little hesitant in blogging them, they are not great. But then its no pressure isn't it? My cognitive powers seem to have a little awry at the moment. I sew a seam, rip it out, sew it wrong again. I decided not to follow the instructions, just do my version.
I'm pleased with my simplified bottle of buttons. The buttons are cotton and steel fabric and the lid a little of my rose and hubble spotty fabric. I have no idea what size the block is to be, but mine is 8".
Next we have the kissy kissy block. Unless you are a horseman galloping really fast you will have noticed the mismatched point right in the centre of the block. Yes, that totally missed point. I should really rip it out and fix it, but for now I am leaving it. It can be the goodbye kiss from the maiden whiskery old great aunt that children always hate. When we were children, we had an elderly maiden whiskery neighbour who always wanted to give you a little kiss hello and goodbye. Yuck. She gave you a thruppenny bit too, that was ok!
Lastly the echo block. Shouldn't even have taken a photo of it, but then this is about me, warts whiskers and all. This block is disastrous. I don't mind the unstraight lines, echos and soundwaves aren't straight anyway. The greys are too short though. Trying to keep to the 8" block size, I ran out of inches! I will either take it apart to and fix or just start again. Or use that block for a corner one which hangs down the far side!
Helen x
Some blocks are difficult and require a lot more patience than I have to give them at the time. Coming back smetimes helps me; the paper pieced love letters block was that way for me in this bee. I am glad we are sewing along together. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Helen: I love you last block warts and all . It looks like improv so I suggest you just call it an improv block and call it a day. I have still yet to start this despite setting my goal for this month at getting 4 of the blocks done. Better get cracking or I will have missed my goal three months in a row.
ReplyDeleteOh I have to agree with Lisa, I love the echo block. I think it is the wonderful colour mix that does it for me, and it has a wonderful flow to it. So clever.
ReplyDeleteI like them all! I didn't notice the mismatched points, and had to check to see if perhaps I was on a horse. Nope, sitting right in my comfy chair. I agree with Lisa, call that last one improv. You could square it up with a vertical piece, rename it Muffled Echo. Or put it in your Special Blocks That I May or May Not Ever Use pile. Everyone has one of those piles, right? Not just me?
ReplyDeleteI love all your blocks. It's more important to have fun especially when sewing for yourself. I want a quilt with character!
ReplyDeleteI quite like the last block and I really like the colours in it - hope it makes it into something!
ReplyDeleteWarty blocks, I have a few of those. Your blocks are for you the warts give them character.