Are You Ready for Jam Sandwiches and Red Lemonade?

I have been working a little bit in the background on my jam sandwiches. Having cut all my Stash Bee 2016 blocks up, and sewn them all together again, I was pretty pleased with how it was going.

I laid them all out and started thinking about what I wanted from a picnic blanket. What is there to think it about? A picnic blanket. A blanket on the ground. You remember that old country and western song by Tammy Wynette .... just because we are married, don't mean we can't fool around. That's it, sing a long. And if you are from N Ireland it will be sing a long with Philomena Begley and Her Rambling Men.  I'm being a bit cruel aren't I? Ear worms.

Well, what do I want from a picnic blanket? It is a blanket on the grass, hum de hum. Well, I live in N Ireland, where the grass is so green. The grass is so green because it flippin' rains most of the time, and when its not raining, it was raining earlier. In reality, when we have a picnic we carry the picnic basket from the car, across the National Trust car park to the picnic tables nearby. Our days of hoicking all the picnic stuff across the field, spreading the blanket on the ground and lying prone on the damp grass/in the sunshine are over. Because you know, you have to get up again, roll over on all fours and haul yourself up. Not so romantic with a damp bottom.

What I have decided to go along with are his and hers matching picnic blankets for either side of a picnic table. If there are four of us, two bottoms will easily fit on each blanket. The number of times I look at a picnic table, and think, is that seat clean? Is that bird poo hard or soft? Will that wet wooden seat leave green marks on my nice clean white linen trousers? The perfect solution!

We went along the North Coast for a drive last week, and the husband says, we should have brought a picnic. Its time to get the picnic stuff together. Time to get these picnic blankets basted and quilted.

Helen x


  1. I like the idea of matching picnic blankets. You will be having very classy picnics.

  2. Great idea Helen... Very posh 😀 xxx

  3. Matching picnic blankets a wonderful idea.

  4. How funny! The perfect post to start my day!! I hear you on the hoisting yourself back up from the ain't pretty! But these quilts are! Finish them up, toss them in the car and go have a beautiful soggy picnic!

  5. How lovely, but they not have been green to match the wooden seats? (giggle). Sounds like summer in the north east, you are so funny.

  6. Brilliant idea for the seats, Helen! I now have an urge to make a quilt or two for the same purpose!

  7. I've never heard the term "hoicking" before, but I understand it completely. Even in places where it doesn't rain as much, aren't we all getting a little too "mature" for that rolling over and grunting and standing up move? Nobody wants to see me do that, that's for sure. Wet bottom or not, I'd rather sit on a bench :)

    Your idea of smaller, matching picnic blankets is brilliant!

  8. This is an excellent idea, perfect for picnicking. It's like Mr. Cool and Mrs. Hot Hot Hot, but for romantic outside dinning. And thanks for the Tammy Wynette ear worm, it just chased off Sandra's ear worm. Every time I work on the Freefall quilt Tom Petty starts jamming in my head.


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