FAL Qtr 1 2015

Wow, my second blog post in one day. NOT  that I'm a great blogger, more that I seem to have left both this sign up and first book post to the last minute. Not a great start to the year, but not really surprising. Anyhow, Katy from the Littlest Thistle (here) has finished her year with the finish a long and has passed the baton onto Adrianne  from  On The Windy Side (here) . And just to keep the continuity going, I have carried a few projects over, just a few (ahem).

1. First to appear again is my Giant Plus Quilt, or as we like to refer it to, the Finnish/Swedish flag quilt. This is for my son who is Stateside. He isn't that fussed to be honest, but will be grateful when he gets it. He has commented it is rather cold since he went back after Christmas.

2. Making its first appearance is my Kaffe Fassett Heart Quilt. This is a 40th birthday present for a cousin who celebrated her 40th birthday in December. Yes, last December. Will be nice when it is finished.

3. Making it's first appearance are Hazel's socks, though I have blogged about them before. That post they were just a ball of wool, so I have definitely made progress, and it shouldn't take too much to finish them.

4. Next on the list is a cardigan I refer to as that damn green cardigan. Don't know why I started it, M&S sell lovely cardigans. The wool casts all over me but need to finish it.

5. And lastly, the Irish Modern Quilters  medallion quilt. This has been going that long the guild is no longer a guild but a group of quilters! I ran out of red for this round and have decided to unpick and redo. It is not really quilt shop red fabric but part of a fq bundle from Peter Jones in Sloane Sq. I have searched everywhere for more and have given up. Need just to get it finished.

And, I think that will be enough to be going on with, don't you? Linking up with FAL 2015 On The Windy Side, will be applying my button soon, promise.

Helen x


  1. Whoa you're on a roll tonight Helen!!! Lots of work going on!! :)
    V x

  2. I hope you have a lot of fun and joy working on these projects.

  3. Wow you've started the new year busy, busy busy! I love the heart quilt, such rich colour and patterns, good luck finishing all those :)

  4. Its all go! The heart quilt will be just beautiful when its finished. Youll have to hurry along with those cosy socks.......Hazel could be doing with them in this weather.

  5. Love that hearts quilt. I haven't finished my medallion quilt either!


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